Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's mine, all mine

I went home for lunch today to find the title to my motorcycle was hung on the fridge. That means that after 2 1/2 years the bike is paid for and all mine. Very timely too as I've been thinking about my next motorcycle trip I want to take. A couple of guys from work and I started an anual tradition of doing a motorcycle trip each Memorial Day weekend. I went on the first one 3 years ago and had the skip the last 2 years due to my sweet daughters being born. So I talked with Eldon at work today about where to do our next trip and we're thinking a tour of southern Utah, with a little northern Arizona thrown in; we have to include Monument Valley. We just need to plot out the roads and make sure we don't bite off more mileage than we can do. I need to get my fender light working so that I can show that off on the trip. Those long days in the saddle can be pretty tiring but there is nothing that can tear away the stress of everyday life like a few days on a motorcycle.

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