Monday, February 18, 2008

Too much snow

I had been looking forward to getting outside on Saturday and doing a little trail riding. When I got to the trail head there was a little more snow than last week but it looked doable. I started up the steep climb(I hate that steep climb right at the beginning before I'm warmed up) I was able to ride most of it but had to walk a little of it because my tire was slipping on the ice and snow. Then I got to a section that had to be hiked but I figured it would be fine once I got to the top section that flatens out a bit. Once I got to the top though I saw that the snow was a lot deeper and decided to slide my way back down to the bottom and go home. It may be better anyway as my legs are still a little sore today. Maybe next Saturday will prove to be a little better.

1 comment:

T said...

hi I like your blog I think it is very fun that you find time somehow to do something you love! How is
Jen and the girls ? Anyway this is my blog if you ever wonder what is happening here in la see you in April;)